
Autumn issue of ENERGETIKA magazine

10. 10.

Nuclear energy is the main topic of the autumn issue of ENERGETIKA magazine. This year’s fifth issue opens with an interview with ČEZ Board Member Tomáš Pleskač, who talks about the completion of large units and the development of SMR. The future coexistence of RES and nuclear is the subject of a study by Jan Toufar from EGÚ Brno, research in the field of new generation nuclear fuel materials is presented by the team of ÚJV Řež and CVŘ, Czech involvement in nuclear fusion research is mapped by the authors of the Institute of Plasma Physics of the CAS...more

Decarbonisation of heating plants in the Czech Republic, the coal age is slowly coming to an end

3. 10.

In the last three years, ten heating plants that supply heat and hot water to over 110,000 households and hundreds of other customers have said goodbye to coal.
In total, these heating plants will replace over half a million tonnes of coal with biomass, natural gas, waste heat and other energy sources to produce heat...more

Czech energy sector to offer investment opportunities worth up to CZK 3 trillion by 2030

20. 9.

The Czech energy sector is on the threshold of major changes and the need for huge investments.
They will be directed mainly at new sources of electricity, increasing energy efficiency in the industrial and building sectors, or strengthening and digitalizing transmission and distribution networks.
In total, according to EGÚ Brno, the modernisation of the domestic energy sector in the next five years...more

BVV Trade Fairs Brno plans to reduce its carbon footprint and save energy.
They will cooperate with ČEZ ESCO

25. 8.

The trends of decarbonisation, reducing energy consumption and carbon footprint apply to all business sectors, including the trade fair business.
The domestic leader in the modern energy sector is therefore joining forces with the largest trade fair organiser in Central Europe, BVV Trade Fairs Brno.
In the future, ČEZ ESCO wants to help the Brno fairgrounds…more

From ENERGETIKA magazine: grid stalemate in the Netherlands

19. 8.

The Dutch government has put forward ambitious plans to be climate neutral by 2050 and has joined multilateral efforts to achieve this goal.
It has successfully promoted renewable energy production through the installation of solar photovoltaics at utility and household level…more

Construction of the LNG terminal has begun Community energy is entering the implementation phase, those interested in sharing can register with the EDC from today

16. 8.

As the Electronic Data Centre (EDC) launches registrations for its provisional information system, energy communities and active customers can begin taking steps to start sharing electricity.
In addition, all apartment buildings must also register with the EDC by the end of 2024…Read more

New issue of ENERGETIKA magazine

9. 8.

The theme of the summer issue of ENERGETIKA magazine is SOURCES and BALANCE.
“We are getting over the edge of energy security,” says Luboš Pavlas, President of Sev.en Česká energie, in the opening interview.
The issue focuses on the issue of the ban on the use of SF6 gas for power transmission and distribution, describes grid congestion in the Netherlands and, among legislative topics, looks at new developments in generation connection and sharing.
Another topic is water energy – the modernisation of hydroelectric power plants, water storage projects and the supply of heat and cold from hydroelectric sources...more

CSZE cooperates with another region, this time Zlín

31. 7.

Mutual cooperation in supporting technical education is the subject of a memorandum signed in July by representatives of the Czech Energy Employers’ Association with the Zlín Region and the Secondary School – Technical Training Centre Kroměříž established by the latter.
It is this school that is now…more

E.ON and MAN to jointly build a public charging station network for electric trucks in Europe

16. 7.

E.ON and MAN Truck & Bus have jointly committed to take a major step forward in expanding the charging infrastructure for commercial vehicles in Europe. As part of the new collaboration, the energy company and the commercial vehicle manufacturer will set up around 170 sites across Europe with approximately 400 public EV charging stations…more

Construction of the Stade LNG terminal near Hamburg has begun

4. 7.

The Czech Republic continues to strengthen its energy self-sufficiency, the basis of which is to reduce its energy dependence on Russia. Today, the construction of the world’s first shipbuilding facility was inaugurated near Hamburg at the mouth of the Elbe…Read more

Biomass will be burned instead of coal

26. 6.

The Otrokovice heating plant continues in the second stage of the biomass boiler reconstruction. This is this year’s largest investment event. Last year, the K4 boiler was modified in such a way that it can burn up to 50 percent wood chips together with coal…Read more

The CSZE fully subscribes to the Antwerp Declaration

19. 6.

The Czech Union of Employers in the Energy Sector announces that on the basis of the decision of its Board of Directors of 12. June 2024 fully subscribes to the Antwerp Declaration. The Antwerp Declaration contains 10 calls for a rational approach to the implementation of the measures based on the legislative act COM (2019) 640 of 11/12/2019…Read more

Heat engineering is the main topic of the third issue of ENERGETIKA magazine

10. 6.

In the introductory interview, Miroslav Krpec, CEO of Energotrans, presents the extensive reconstruction of the power plant in Mělník. Another interview was given to ENERGETIKA magazine by Jakub Unucka, deputy governor of the Moravian-Silesian Region, and it focuses on the energy transformation of the Moravian-Silesian Region. The magazine summarizes the conclusions of the update of the assessment of decarbonization of the heating sector, the study of the potential of large heat pumps, the possibilities of SMR involvement in CZT and the project of heat recovery from the Ostrava heaps. Other articles deal with the role of the ERO in the transformation of the energy sector or the possibilities of providing power balance services by householdsmore

Projects to develop flexibility in Europe

6. 2024

As a company involved in the transformation of the energy sector, E-REDES aims to promote an increasingly technology-driven, more efficient and sustainable method of distribution
of electricity by formalizing cooperation between actors in favor of sustainable development…Read more

Notification of support for high-efficiency CHP is a significant boost for the modernisation of the heating sector

28. 5.

After two and a half years of negotiations, the European Commission has issued a positive notification decision on the operating support for combined heat and power (CHP). This is particularly important for the start of the construction of high-efficiency gas-fired cogeneration…Read more

Czech Energy Employers Association awarded the best students and teachers member schools for the 2023/2024 school year

23. 5.

The best pupils of certified member schools of the CSZE, focused on energy and electrical engineering, received today in the Great Hall of Mirrors of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Czech Republic the award for successful representation of the school, which is awarded annually on the basis of nomination according to internal criteria…Read more

Severní energetická of the Sev.en Czech Energy Group suspends mining at the CSA quarry

13. 5.

A decision on the final closure will be made in the coming months. The gradual curtailment of operations and the subsequent temporary interruption of mining operations is also linked to the mass redundancies of employees of Severna Energia and Sev.en Inntech…Read more

ČEZ will invest over 400 million CZK in Dlouhé strání this year. CZK

16. 4.

CEZ will spend over CZK 400 million on investments and repairs of the Dlouhé stráně pumped storage plant this year, almost four times more than last year. Even slightly higher investments are planned for next year. This is related to the gradual renewal of important parts of the turbomachinery, which are slowly reaching the end of their service life after almost 30 years of operation…Read more

Second issue of ENERGETIKA magazine in 2024

9. 4.

The themes of the second issue of ENERGETIKA in 2024 are research, innovation and education. It opens with a great interview with CEZ CEO Daniel Beneš about the prospects of the Czech energy sector and CEZ’s plans. In the area of innovation, he introduces the EG.D connectivity map, successful projects from the Innovation Fund, the largest battery storage in the Czech Republic and the construction of the first shielded masts. Authors from the Czech Technical University, the Řež Research Centre write about research projects, the Chairman of the ERO Council and the Ministry of the Environment comment on legislation. The magazine also covers the submitted strategic energy documents...Read more

Five crystal chimneys are ready for the heating projects of the year

27. 3.

For the twenty-second time, they will be attending a social evening at the Heating and Energy Days 23. April in Olomouc to hand over the crystal chimneys for the heating projects of 2023. This year, three projects were shortlisted for nomination in each of the five categories. Nominated projectsRead more

Temelín and Dukovany Nuclear Power Plants to Visit Czech Schools from April, CEZ Launches Special Educational Program

18. 3.

Students will be able to see the most interesting places of the Czech nuclear power plants Temelín and Dukovany directly in their classrooms. From April, CEZ Group launches an interesting educational program for primary and secondary schools. The interactive project “Meeting with Energy” will bring operators of the Temelín and Dukovany nuclear power plants into the classroom…Read more

Closing ceremony of the EU project OneNet

11. 3.

On Tuesday 5. The final “final event” of the EU OneNet project took place in Brussels in March. This was a three-year project under the H2020 programme, the ambition of which was to gain practical experience in implementing the Clean Energy for All Europeans package…Read more

ČEZ Distribuce built a backup line to Lysá hora

7. 3.

The Queen of Beskydy no longer has to worry about electricity supply. ČEZ Distribuce has completed the replacement of the non-functioning cable from Krásná to the top of Lysá hora, which will secure the existing supply through the Ostravice line. Meteorological station, TV transmitter, mountain service station, Bezručova chatamore

Sev.en to build two large photovoltaic plants in Most region this year

29. 2.

Sev.en Česká energie wants to build and connect the first two large photovoltaic power plants to the grid by the end of this year. The projects are the 14.5 megawatt Komořany PV plant and the 12.3 megawatt Ervěnice PV plant in the Most region. Next year will see the construction of the much larger 49 megawatt Saxonia PV plantRead more

Last year’s gas consumption was the lowest since 1992

26. 2.

Total annual natural gas consumption fell again last year, by more than a tenth year-on-year. After two austerity years of continuous decline, the Czech Republic consumed the least amount of gas last year in more than thirty years. At a time in the early 1990s, with which last year’s consumption may be…Read more

EG.D invests in the future

16. 2.

The world of energy is facing new challenges such as the massive connection of renewables and community energy. That is why our colleagues from EG.D are planning to invest in the development of…Read more

CSZE’s statement on the update of key documents of the Czech Energy Sector

5. 2.

The Czech Energy Employers’ Association participated, among other things, in consultations on the update of the State Energy Concept in order to meet the goals of a safe and economically sustainable energy transitionmore

PRE connected a record number of photovoltaic plants to its grid last year. Three and a half times more year-on-year

2. 2.

PREdistribuce, a PRE Group company, connected a total of 3,298 solar power plants to its distribution network last year. This represented an increase of 265% compared to the previous year, 2022, when the distribution network added…Read more

District heating consumption fell year-on-year last year due to very warm weather

26. 1.

The 2023 heating season was the third warmest since 2010, with an average temperature of 6.94 °C from January to May and 6.94 °C from September to December. The heating season temperature in 2023 was 1 degree higher than the long-term average from 2010 to 2022. According to preliminary data, heat supply fell by 6% year-on-year, similar to the fall in the number ofRead more

Hospital Na Homolce launches one of the largest energy saving projects in the Czech Republic

22. 1.

Prague’s Na Homolka Hospital is undergoing one of the most comprehensive energy-saving projects in the Czech Republic, which includes, for example, extensive modernization of heating, air conditioning and lighting. The hospital decided to address the necessary replacement of outdated equipment and the overall modernization of the energy management in the form of EPC…Read more

Transition to the new data format of electricity metering data transmission in the optimised CDSDATA format in CS OTE with effect from 1.
2. 2024

11. 1.

The market operator once again notifies market participants of a significant change in the transmission of electricity metering data, which will take effect from 1. 2. 2024 in the CS OTE information system. The change is that, with effect from 1.
2. 2024 bude v produkčním prostředí CS OTE pro předávání údajů o výrobě/spotřeběvíce

Year 2023 in the E.ON Drive network. Electric cars recharged 2,000 MWh and the number of chargers increased significantly

5. 1.

Almost 2,000 MWh of energy consumption at more than 520 charging points was recorded by the E.ON Drive public charging network in the Czech Republic last year. This means that drivers will use 65% more energy than in 2022 and the number of public charging points…Read more

ČEPS completed the reconstruction of TR Kočín

19. 12.

At the beginning of December this year, one of the largest constructions of the transmission system of the Czech Republic, “Transformovna Kočín – extension and reconstruction, line relocation”, was completed and approved. The construction took place between 2017 and 2023 and included a complete reconstruction of the substation…Read more

The sixth issue of ENERGETIKA focuses on nuclear power

12. 2023

This year’s last issue of ENERGETIKA magazine opens with an interview with Marian Rusk, Chairman of the Board of EG.D. It presents the bids of the bidders in the tender for the completion of Dukovany, maps the current developments in the nuclear power industry and focuses on small modular reactors. Almost two dozen pages deal with the issue of energy storage, both in terms of legislation and new projects and research. The magazine introduces another member secondary school in Ústí nad Labem, focused on electrical power engineering, and informs about the innovation of the vocational education system...Read more

Collective agreement of a higher level – Amendment No. 7

7. 12.

On 7. 12. 2023, representatives of employers and employees concluded collective bargaining by signing Amendment No. 7 to the Collective Agreement of a higher level. As a representative of the employers, the amendment was signed by Pavel Elis, Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors of the…Read more

ERO published regulated electricity and gas prices for 2024

30. 11.

The Energy Regulatory Office (ERO) has issued price decisions for the electricity and gas sectors for 2024, setting the amount of regulated components of energy prices each year. The resulting regulated prices are still affected by the energy crisis…Read more

Prague Energy offers customers 100% green electricity for 2024

24. 11.

Pražská energetika has included the PRE PROUD EKO product in its offer. Through it, household customers can receive electricity produced 100% from renewable sources. The interest in sustainable products has increased in the Czech Republic in recent years…Read more

The fairy-tale power plant Les Království celebrates 100 years, Brno’s Komín has been operating reliably for the same time

22. 11.

The small hydroelectric power plants Les Království and Komín, representing decentralised energy in the East Bohemia and South Moravia region, celebrate 100 years of reliable operation. While the first one is reminiscent of fairy-tale scenery in its construction style and processes water flowing from the Giant Mountains…Read more

Veolia will supply gas and electricity to households

13. 11.

Veolia Energie Group is entering a new era in the Czech energy sector. It is entering the electricity and gas supply market for households and retail customers and is launching a nationwide information campaign these days. Veolia is one of the largest suppliers of heat and a major investor in heating infrastructureRead more

Czech Television films at CSZE member schools

9. 11.

Czech Television on 9. In November, she filmed at the detached workplace of the Secondary School of Electrical Engineering, Lipník nad Bečvou. So-called. The polygon is located in Přerov near the Žebračka National Nature Reserve. This is a state-of-the-art workplace for live work on low-voltage equipment...Read more

FEL CTU introduced a laboratory for correlative microscopy for 20 million crowns. It will be used for semiconductor research and new drug development

2. 11.

The Faculty of Electrical Engineering of CTU (FEL) inaugurated the Reference Laboratory for Correlation Microscopy, which will be used for research purposes and teaching. The new laboratory, worth CZK 20 million, combines technologies and instruments…Read more

NCE II shows that the link between academia and industry works

20. 10.

In September, the National Centre for Energy II project implementers met at a joint workshop to exchange information, network and seek solutions for the transformation of the domestic energy sector. Among the very active participants was the director of the Czech Union of Employers in the Energy…Read more

The future of energy is a combination of sources. Gas cogeneration will play an important role in it

19. 10.

Energy experts, industry and government representatives agree on the need to continue to consider the significant role of gas in the future energy mix, with the use of gas cogeneration being essential. Thanks to the use of waste heat for heat generation, it is the most efficient power plant…Read more

Participation of the CSZE at the 64. International Engineering Fair

17. 10.

CSZE participated in the International Engineering Fair in Brno again this year. As part of the accompanying programme, we have, as usual, prepared a seminar focused on vocational training and a conference on current issues in the energy and heating sectormore

The fifth issue of ENERGETIKA magazine is devoted to the upcoming update of the State Energy Concept

12. 10.

Together with other topics, it is discussed in the introductory interview by Jan Rafaj, President of the Confederation of Industry and Transport. Leading energy executives respond to the question of what they expect from the SEC update. Other articles cover topics such as large heat pumps, the benefits of gas cogeneration, the preparation of the Electricity Data Centre and the new EU regulation on batteries. You will also find interviews with Josef Perlík, Executive Director of the Czech Energy Alliance, and Gabriela Nekolová, Chairman of the Economic and Social Council of the Ústí Region…Read more

ČEPS conducted a Start from Dark test with the Tušimice 2 power plant

5. 10.

On Tuesday 3. 10. In 2023, the test of the Start from Dark support service provided by the Orlík hydroelectric power station was successfully carried out. Its aim was to supply voltage to the own consumption of the Tušimice 2 coal-fired power plant and to connect it to the grid. It was an extended test with a single unit of the power plant…Read more

AFI Business Environment Survey 2023 – results

29. 9.

According to the latest survey by the Association for Foreign Investment of the Czech Republic, 55% of companies, half of which are large companies, believe that disrupted supply chains and problematic material supply threaten their future business…Read more

Prague Energy has commissioned the Slivenec transformer station, thus strengthening the distribution system in the south-west of the metropolis

29. 9.

Pražská energetika inaugurated a new transformer station of its subsidiary PREdistribuce in Slivenec, Prague. The transformer converts the very high voltage of 110 kV to a high voltage of 22 kV. This new construction significantly strengthens the electrical…Read more

ENERGY AROUND US – Investments in RES, transformation of the heating sector, the role of community energy

28. 9.

On 12 October, the CSZE will organize the 64. MSV Brno will hold a conference entitled “Energy Around Us”, which will focus on the key topics of the current energy sector in the Czech Republic. The conference will focus in particular…Read more

CEZ will extend the deadline for submitting final bids for the construction of a new nuclear unit by less than a month at the request of one of the bidders

21. 9.

CEZ has granted the request of one of the bidders and extended the deadline for submitting final bids for the construction of a new nuclear unit at Dukovany. The new deadline is now 31. October 2023. The extension of the deadline will not compromise the project schedule in any way. In addition to the binding offer for one block, bidders…more

Scientists and companies are working together to find solutions for the energy sector. They want to support the strategy of the Czech Republic

18. 9.

The exchange of information, the presentation of the results of partial projects to date and, in particular, the discussion on the preparation of a strategy to ensure the long-term energy independence and sustainability of the Czech Republic was the main task of the recent workshop of the National Energy Centre II…more

VI. International Conference on Live Work Sokolnica 2023 ICOLIM

13. 9.

VI. The International Conference on Live Work Sokolnica 2023 (ICOLIM) was opened today by Richard Vidlička, Director of CSZE in the presence of more than seventy participants. Many distinguished speakers from the Czech Republic and Germany accepted the invitation. The guest of the conference wasRead more

Tesco and ČEZ are building more chargers for electric cars together

12. 9.

The Tesco retail chain continues its cooperation with CEZ Group in building facilities for customers who drive electric cars. Until the end of this year only, it will offer people the opportunity to tap into emission-free energy…Read more

CTU in Prague offers the first microcertificate course. It will start in October, you can apply now

10. 9.

The Czech Technical University in Prague is one of the schools that are starting to offer a unique new format of course completion certificate, the so-called microcertificate. It will be the first to be available to graduates of the two-semester lifelong learning course: ‘Technical equipment of buildingsRead more

MSV 2023 in Brno will focus on efficient and sustainable industry

3. 9.

At the Brno Exhibition Centre from 10. to 13. On October 2023, the 64th International Engineering Fair. Tens of thousands of visitors will learn about industrial technologies and innovations presented by exhibitors from around the worldRead more

SVSE Discussion Afternoon in Třešt’

30. 8.

The Association of Large Energy Consumers organized the traditional seminar of energy professionals and senior government officials with representatives of large companies and industry associations. The main idea of the meeting was to discuss the impact of market…Read more

E.ON will provide Kaufland with hundreds of charging stations for electric vehicles

29. 8.

The new cooperation between E.ON and Kaufland will facilitate the transition to e-mobility – a greener mode of transport – for customers and the retail chain itself. In the coming years, E.ON will build a network of charging hubs at all existing Kaufland stores…Read more

This year’s harvest from coal mine reclamation carries the organic quality label

22. 8.

Harvesting has ended in the fields managed by the company Rekultivace from the Sev.en group on the reclaimed areas of the ČSA and Vršany quarries. This year, for the first time, they are harvesting organic crops here. The company manages…Read more

The largest photovoltaic power plant in the centre of Prague has started operation, it will cover 10% of the Congress Centre’s annual energy consumption

18. 8.

The new photovoltaic power plant on the roof of the Prague Congress Centre has started to supply electricity. The emission-free electricity source with 2080 solar panels will cover 10% of the Congress Centre’s annual consumption and save an estimated CZK 5.5 million a year in energy costs…Read more

GasNet opens new LNG station near Prague

15. 8.

The largest Czech gas distributor, the GasNet Group, has opened its fifth filling station for trucks with liquefied natural gas (LNG) engines near the Czech capital, close to the D1 motorway. GasNet built the station…Read more

This year’s fourth issue of ENERGETIKA focuses on community energy and waste-to-energy

6. 8.

The issue opens with an interview with Alexander Sloboda, Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors of PRE. It examines community energy from the perspective of legislation, economic potential, risks and foreign experience. Another material maps the current status and planned projects of energy recovery of waste in the Czech Republic. In this issue ENERGETIKA also starts to present secondary schools focused on energy and offers an interview with the Deputy Governor of the Vysočina Region…Read more

CEZ Info Centers report a record, 89,000 visitors in the first half of the year is the most since the pandemic

3. 8.

ČEZ Info Centres and Power Plants celebrate a record, thanks to which they rightly continue to rank among the biggest tourist magnets in the Czech Republic. This year, 89,619 visitors passed through their gates from January to June. That’s nearly 2,000 more energy enthusiasts than in the record-breaking year of 2019 so farRead more

Beware of electric shocks

25. 7.

EG.D, in cooperation with the Královské Vinohrady University Hospital in Prague, created an educational video to raise awareness of the possible effects of electric shock…Read more

Will they build a wind farm near your village? We’ve summed up for you what decides it

20. 7.

There are 99 municipalities in the Czech Republic that are now considering building wind farms. This is the result of an analysis by the consulting company EGÚ Brno, which mapped the technical potential of wind power generation within the expected development of community energymore

Small modular reactors – EU leader in Central and Eastern Europe

10. 7.

Central and Eastern Europe is becoming an EU leader in the preparations for the construction of small modular reactors, which in the future should significantly strengthen the energy independence of individual countries, the stability of the pan-European electricity grid and the supply of electricity and heat in remote locationsRead more

SOU of Electrical Engineering in Pilsen already knows its new Prokopy Diviš this year

1. 7.

The Prokop Diviš Motivational Program for the school year 2022/23, which was announced by CEZ Distribuce for the seventh time for students of electrical disciplines from CEZ Group partner schools, has already had its winners in the case of SOU Elektrotechnicky Plzen. The top nine from two teaching and one study field…Read more

The Olomouc Region signed an energy-packed memorandum with ČSZE and its member SŠE in Lipník nad Bečvou

28. 6.

The Memorandum of Understanding, which confirms the cooperation between the Olomouc Region, the Czech Energy Employers Association and its member Secondary School of Electrical Engineering in Lipník nad Bečvou, was concluded on Monday 26. June by representatives of all the named parties. It should support the education of future…Read more

Teachers from member schools of the Czech Energy Employers Association visited the Nuclear Research Institute in Řež

28. 6.

Teachers from CSZE member schools visited the Nuclear Research Institute in Řež. Specialist and workplace facilities offer visitors a glimpse into their laboratories. During the excursion, the participants visited the unique large-scale test facility (a full-scale simulation of a reactor pressure vessel, designed to confirm the strategy for maintaining the melt inside the reactor pressure vessel in a severe accident for nuclear power plants with VVER 1000 units), the LR0 research reactor, the hot cells or the hydrogen technology department.

Selected pupils from the Secondary School in Ústí nad Labem will have dual training with experienced instructors from ČEZ Distribuce

28. 6.

Representatives of the SPŠ Resslova Ústí nad Labem and ČEZ Distribuce have signed an agreement on cooperation with elements of dual education. Its aim is to link theoretical teaching with practice, to stimulate students’ interest in the energy industry and thus to provide CEZ Group with a skilled young generation of future employees…Read more

Labour legislation should be clear and applicable in practice

20. 6.

In the June issue of the professional magazine Energetika, published by the Czech Union of Employers in the Energy Sector ČSZE, you will find an article by the editor-in-chief Kateřina Táborská, presenting ČSZE’s efforts to improve legislation in the field of occupational safety so that it is clear, understandable and applicable in practice. It’s oneRead more

The unique NFT work of the PRE Group

16. 6.

As every year, PRE Group asked itself how to express its gratitude to its customers in the most appropriate way. Instead of non-ecological production of gift items, the idea was to transfer the year-round positive impact of PRE PROUD EKO on nature into a virtual environment. This is how PREKRAJINA was created – a form of generative art with an ecological overlap…Read more

Director of SŠE in Lipník nad Bečvou Michael Tesar: “We lack parental interest and enough teachers”

13. 6.

Principal Michael Tesař is not hiding his pride in the fact that the Secondary School of Electrical Engineering in Lipník nad Bečvou has grown close to his heart. In particular, when he and the other thirteen member schools of the Czech Energy Employers Association, certified for the energy industry, handed over in the Great Hall of Mirrors…Read more

Karel Klusák, Chairman of the ECHO Trade Union:”Collective bargaining will be tough this year”

12. 6.

In the following interview, Karel Klusák, the newly elected chairman of the ECHO Trade Union, commented on the social dialogue and the next project that he and the Czech Union of Employers in the Energy Sector are starting. In view of the successful completion of two previous projects, the social partners…Read more

Modern technologies are making inroads in energy work safety

12. 6.

Virtual reality is an increasingly interesting benefit in occupational health and safety in energy companies in the Czech Republic. The main advantage in preparing an employee for crisis situations…Read more

SŠE students in Lipník nad Bečvou made a recruitment video

7. 6.

As their final work, the students of the graduating class of the Secondary School of Electrical Engineering in Lipník nad Bečvou created a fresh recruitment video in which they present in a popular form the individual teaching fields and the teaching of those interested in the field of computer technology and electrical engineering. The Energy Certified School offersRead more

The number 1 man who represents the employers and entrepreneurs of Thuringia Hartmut Koch: “We are suffocating in bureaucracy, we lack people”

6. 6.

The traditional meeting of the Czech Association of Employers in the Energy Industry CSZE with the management of the partner Association of the Metal and Electrical Industry of Thuringia took place this year in Prague with the participation of the President of the Thuringian Economic Association VWT Hartmut Koch…Read more

Thuringia tackles the shortage of people, the end of the internal combustion engine and pressure from Brussels

6. 2023

Energy costs and price shocks were the biggest threat to businesses in the state of Thuringia with 2.14 million inhabitants last year. According to a survey published this year by the Institut der Wirtschaft IWT, high costs affected almost 82% of companies at the time, price...Read more

The E.ON Energy Globe competition announces six finalists for the best eco-project: the winners will be chosen by the public

1. 6.

For fifteen years now, the organisers of the E.ON Energy Globe competition have been receiving applications for the prestigious domestic environmental competition in the first months of the year. This year was no exception. The expert jury evaluated nearly 140 projects focused on ecology and sustainability and selected five finalists who, together with the sixthRead more

Czech Energy Employers Association awarded the best students of its member schools

25. 5.

The best pupils of certified member schools of the CSZE, focused on power engineering and electrical engineering, received today in the Great Hall of Mirrors of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Czech Republic the award for successful representation of the school, which is awarded annually on the basis of nomination according to internal criteriaRead more

Trade Union ECHO has elected a new president, CSZE expects continuity of social dialogue

24. 5.

At his IV. At the Congress in May 2023, the delegates of OS ECHO elected a new chairman, who became its current vice-chairman for the energy section, Karel Klusák. He takes over the position from long-time chairman Zdeněk Černý…Read more

Webinar recording: EU Regulation and The Cyber Revolution in Energy

18. 5.

A webinar on“Does EU regulation support the cyber revolution in the energy sector?”, jointly organised by the European Smart Energy Solutions Providers Association ESMIG and E.DSO, representing European Distribution System Operators for the…Read more

The energy sector has its place in the new leadership of the Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic

17. 5.

On 16. On May 20, 2023, the Ordinary General Meeting of the Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic(SP CR) took place, the main point of which was the election of members of the Confederation’s bodies. Jan Rafaj was elected President of the SP CR for the period until 2027. The delegates of the General Assembly also unanimously elected…more

International Forum in Luxembourg with the participation of CSZE addressed the Vision Zero project and near misses

11. 5.

How to prevent work accidents and optimally set up a system for reporting near misses was the topic of the International Forum on Occupational Safety and Health in Luxembourg. A lot of little mistakes…Read more

Vocational schools and employers in the energy sector have signed a cooperation agreement with the Municipality of the capital city of Prague. m. Prague

5. 5.

The Škoda Lounges in the Škoda Palace building – symbolically the former headquarters of the Czech energy giant – will open on Thursday 4. May became the place of signing the agreement on cooperation in the promotion and development of technical education in the capital city of Prague…Read more

Transformation of the heating industry the main topic of the Olomouc conference

27. 4.

The price shocks of last year led to a huge interest in connecting to central heat supply, it was said at the two-day conference Days of Heating and Energy in Olomouc. It is also attended by a number of members and representatives CSZE…more

Teplárna Otrokovice received an award for waste heat recovery with accumulation

26. 4.

Heating Association of the Czech Republic on 29. Days of Heating and Power Engineering in Olomouc awarded 26. April 2022 Projects. In the category of development of cogeneration and increasing the efficiency of systems, the winner was the Otrokovice heating plant, which is a full member of the ČSZE…Read more

Social dialogue project in the energy sector has eased conflicts

25. 4.

After three years, the project “Strengthening and development of social dialogue at all levels of the energy sector”, implemented by the Czech Energy Employers’ Association and the ECHO Trade Union, has ended. It featured dozens of…Read more

Representatives of thermal power plants met to discuss

20. 4.

The forthcoming EU directives on renewable energy efficiency and energy performance of buildings, but also the emissions trading scheme and its extension to other sectors, the readiness for the solar boom…Read more

Speech by the Director of CSZE at the conference The Future of the Ústí Region

19. 4.

During the two days of the expert conference “The Future of the Ústí Region – Strategic Resources and Raw Materials of the Region”, 450 participants passed through the lecture halls and 50 speakers took the floor. The event took place on…more

Nuclear power in Europe

17. 4.

Many European countries are betting on nuclear power, seeing it as a clean and safe source of electricity. It will be an essential part of the modern energy mix in Europe. Some European countries are planning to develop small modular reactor projects alongside large nuclear power plants…Read more

The future of the Ústí Region: educated energy specialists

12. 4.

The expert conference “The Future of the Ústí Region – Strategic Resources and Raw Materials of the Region” attracted over three hundred experts, representatives of the region, government departments, energy companies, academics and students to the University of Applied Sciences in Ústí nad Labem. Speakers and participants agreed that the region faces major energy challenges. Structurally affected…Read more

ISSA – CSZE contribution to the guide “How to Manage Near Misses” on OSH issues

5. 4.

Occupational health and safety is one of the main topics that the International Social Security Association (ISSA) – Electricity, Gas and Water Section has been working on for a long time. ISSA has just published a guide “How to Manage Near Misses”. This is an updated…Read more

Large energy consumers have reduced their own gas-fired generation

4. 4.

Last year, large companies in the Czech Republic significantly reduced their consumption of natural gas for their own energy production. The industry has reduced production in gas-fired CHP units in favour of other energy sources. At the same time, the use of renewable sources has increased…Read more

Extending the lifetime of equipment using SF 6 fluoride insulating gas

30. 3.

The plenary session of the European Parliament, meeting on 30. On March 2023, a further significant restriction on the use of SF6 insulating gas in power equipment, which also serves as an extinguishing medium and is part of electrical substations and other electrical…Read more

Coal safari season begins

30. 3.

In a few days, this year’s edition of the Coal Safari and Energytour will enter a new season. Interested members of the public will again be able to visit the operations and see the reclaimed areas around the Sev.en Group’s mining sites. The power and heating plants belonging to…Read more

Europe agrees to increase the number of charging and refuelling stations

28. 3.

In the coming years, more alternative fuel charging and refuelling stations will be deployed across Europe, enabling the transport sector to significantly reduce its carbon footprint, following a preliminary political agreement between the Council and the European Parliament on 28. March. “The agreement will send a clear signal to citizens and other stakeholders…Read more

CSZE welcomes the launch of the PV connectivity map, but draws attention to the limits of distribution systems

23. 3.

EG.D is the first distributor in the Czech Republic to deploy the so-called. connectivity map. It is an online tool that allows those interested in photovoltaics to find out the connection possibilities directly in the place where they plan to install the plant. This minimises the possibility of connection requests being rejected during installation…Read more

Connectivity map to help customers plan their PV plant

23. 3.

Record numbers of applications as well as the number of connected renewable sources, with installations on the roofs of industrial buildings and domestic photovoltaic systems playing a major role. This is the new solar boom that the whole Czech Republic is experiencing. EG.D has a distribution territory…Read more

CEZ Group will intensify its water saving activities. First in the Czech Republic to join the UN global initiative to reduce consumption

22. 3.

CEZ Group was the first Czech company to sign up to the CEO Water Mandate, a special initiative of the UN Secretary General and the Global Compact corporate platform. By becoming a member of this initiative, CEZ is signing up to the commitment to address water protection in a comprehensive manner, in cooperation with the United Nations…Read more

PRE will offer customers products with price fixation below the government “ceiling”

20. 3.

Prague Energy will switch on from 15. March to offer two products that will be priced lower than the current government capped energy prices. It will be a price-fixed offer, both in electricity and gas supply. The products will be called PRE PROUD FIX and PRE GAS FIX…Read more

370 million project links research with industry and energy

15. 3.

The Centre for Energy and Environmental Technologies (CEET) of the VŠB-TUO hosted distinguished guests on the second Friday of March. Representatives of the Czech Technology Agency, research organisations and industrial partners and companies gathered on the campus to participate in the final review of the National Centre for Energy…Read more

SEE in Sokolnice has a unique educational ON-Voltage Centre

14. 3.

School full of energy is the slogan of the Secondary School of Electrical Engineering and Energy SŠEE in Sokolnice, Brno. He points to a tradition of nearly 30 years of education for the energy industry, but also the energy for change that keeps the school on the cutting edge of new technologies. This is evidenced by the decision to build a modern training polygon ON-Voltage Centre…Read more

The NCE I energy project is over, NCE II is starting

13. 3.

The University Auditorium of the VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava (VŠB-TUO) will be opened on Friday 10. March became the venue for the final review and approval of the project of the National Centre for Energy(NCE), an institute of VŠB-TUO. The total value of the project is…Read more

The publication Energy Around Us will go to schools

13. 3.

Some schools and educational institutions will receive the modern publication Energy Around Us, published by the Czech Union of Energy Employers. At present, no other printed publication offers…Read more

Interview with the Executive Director of COGEN Czech

10. 3.

“The key is in the synergy of different resources”, says Milan Šimoník, Executive Director of COGEN Czech…Read more

Magazine ENERGETICS also digitally

9. 3.

The bi-monthly magazine ENERGETIKA for power engineering, heating and energy use, i.e. production and distribution of electricity and heat, can also be read electronically. The publisher, which is the Czech Energy Employers’ Association, heard the call of the readers and decided to supplement the printed version with a digital form…Read more

CEZ Group Vision

9. 3.

CEZ Group’s mission is to provide safe and reliable energy for Czech households, companies and institutions, while operating in harmony with the surrounding nature to preserve our landscape for future generations as clean as possible…Read more

Obligations under the Decree on ensuring the adequacy of operating support – electricity sources put into operation in 2012

9. 3.

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(2) of Decree No. 72/2022 Coll., on ensuring the adequacy of the operational support provided to energy sources, the Ministry of Industry and Trade publishes model reports for determining the extent of technical and economic data on electricity production and its operation…Read more

TZ ČSZE – Fast ban insulation F-gas technology would be a problem for the EU energy industry

3. 2023

Representatives of the European energy industry are committed to the European Union’s climate and energy goals. However, the European Commission’s proposal to speed up the ban on sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) insulating gas technology has sparked…Read more

CEPS presents MAF CZ 2022. Evaluates possible scenarios for the development of the electricity sector in the Czech Republic until 2040

1. 3.

The transmission system operator presented the document “Assessment of the resource adequacy of the EC of the Czech Republic until 2040” (MAF CZ 2022), which analyses the impacts of various scenarios of the development of the resource mix in the Czech Republic in the medium term and identifies possible future risks…Read more

Young people prefer a mix of RES and nuclear

20. 2.

Global warming is the biggest risk to the future of humanity, according to our primary and secondary school pupils (34% of respondents), with girls significantly more likely to perceive this phenomenon as a risk – 46%, while boys perceive it at 29%…Read more

XXVIII. International show of professional skills of students of electrical engineering schools

9. 2. 2023

The XXVIII. International show of vocational skills of students of electrical engineering schools, organized by the Secondary Vocational School – Vocational Training Centre and Gymnasium, in cooperation with the Czech Association of Employers in the Energy Industry…more

ČEZ Prodej will reduce electricity and gas prices, customers will save thousands of crowns a year

9. 2.

Wholesale energy prices are falling, CEZ Prodej is fulfilling its commitment and will discount some products. The largest energy supplier in the Czech Republic will adjust its electricity and gas price lists. Prices will fall well below the price ceilings, especially for gas, where the…more

PRE has already commissioned 500. charging station for electric vehicles

27. 1.

In recent days, Prague’s power utility reached a significant milestone when it commissioned 500 units in its PREpoint network. a public charging station. The whole of 2022 was a record year in terms of the pace of construction, with the company opening nearly 200 new public charging stations last year, representing a year-on-year increase…Read more

CEZ will recruit about 2,600 people to the core in the next 10 years

26. 1.

During 2022, the Czech Republic’s largest energy company recruited a total of 1,212 new employees, similar to the year before. One in six new entrants joined the core area, which also attracted more women compared to 2021. Over the next ten years, CEZ will recruit new nuclear power plants and teams to its existing…more

59,000 PRE customers signed up for the electricity savings incentive program

20. 1.

Pražská energetika has evaluated the first phase of its customer savings programme called Premium. Households that reduce their electricity consumption year-on-year in the winter heating season will receive a financial bonus from PRE. Customers could participate in the…more

Chvaletice power plant produced a record amount of electricity last year

11. 1.

The Chvaletice lignite power plant produced 4.9 terawatt hours (TWh) of electricity last year. It has thus set a new operating record, equivalent to almost seven percent of the Czech Republic’s total consumption...more

Czech nuclear power plant delivered the most electricity in history

2. 1.

Czech nuclear power plants produced a record amount of energy in 2022. They delivered almost 31 TWh of electricity to the transmission grid, 110,000 megawatt hours more than in the previous year. This saved approximately 22.5 million tonnes of carbon dioxide. The record production is the result of a series of…more

Interview with Richard Vidlička, Director of the Czech Energy Employers Association

13. 12.

“Market mechanisms are not always a sufficient solution and the recent geopolitical problems associated with the conflict in Ukraine have confronted us with a new reality”…more.

TZ ČSZE – Collective agreement of a higher level – Appendix No. 6

6. 12.

Employers and employees in the energy sector have agreed on an amendment to the Collective Agreement of a higher…more.

Temelín is optimising its operation. It has historically supplied the most electricity to the transmission system.

22. 11.

The Temelín Nuclear Power Plant is reaching its highest ever output these days. The cold weather helps, but above all the previous modernisation and good operational settings. The higher outputs also coincide with a period of higher consumption…more.

PRE opened a unique charging HUB in Prague 11. For the first time, it uses storage from used ŠKODA Enyaq batteries for recharging.

22. 11.

In cooperation with Škoda Auto DigiLab, Prague Energy has opened a unique charging HUB in Prague 11.For the first time, the HUB also uses energy storage made from used ŠKODA Enyaq batteries for charging…more.

PRE promotes energy saving measures and implements them in its own buildings – it saves up to 20% energy per year on the operation of its buildings

8. 11.

Prague Energy will reduce the energy consumption of its buildings. In particular, it concerns the regulation and modernisation of heating and lighting. The motivation to reduce energy consumption is not only cost saving, but above all to contribute to the stability of energy supply in the winter period and to reduce dependence on fossil sources…more.

In 10 minutes, loaded! ČEZ starts construction of ultra-fast charging stations for electric vehicles

24. 10.

Just like a regular gas station! Drivers of electric cars drawing energy at the new ČEZ ultra-fast stands with 225 or 300 kW power will not stay longer. These have sprung up along the D1, D5 and D35 motorways, replacing stations of lower capacity. They will soon be available at other busy locations…more.

At Dukovany, they removed fuel from the reactor of the third production unit and are inspecting the reactor and safety systems

14. 10.

Since Wednesday evening, the reactor of the third generating unit of the Dukovany Nuclear Power Plant has been without fuel, which was taken out by power engineers for planned maintenance work on safety systems and for external inspection of the reactor. The balance of all 349 fuel...more.

TZ EGÚ Brno – energy experts agree on the need to reduce dependence on energy supply from Russia

11. 10.

The war in Ukraine and the ongoing energy crisis are forcing European leaders to accelerate the reduction of dependence on Russian gas and to rethink the transformation of the energy sector. On the future development of
decarbonisation, the free energy market and the role of gas in electricity and heat production...more.

CEZ Group Vision

10. 10.

CEZ Group’s mission is to provide safe, reliable, and positive energy to its customers and to society as a whole. CEZ Group’s vision is to bring innovations to solve energy needs and contribute to a higher quality of life…more.

63. International Engineering Fair and the participation of CSZE

7. 10.

CSZE participated in the 63. International Engineering Fair in Brno. As part of the accompanying programme, he organised two expert conferences…more.

Dukovany power engineers again increase production efficiency and supply emission-free energy

26. 9.

The Dukovany Nuclear Power Plant will benefit from 2 385 MWh/year of extra electricity generated by replacing the manual valves of the winter protection of the cooling towers with electrically and remotely controlled…more.

Sev.en Energy enters the solar energy sector

15. 9.

Sev.en Energy Group is preparing five new photovoltaic power plant projects in the Most region. The second largest electricity producer in the Czech Republic is thus actively entering the modern energy sector. It will expand its existing and currently fully utilised production capacity in coal-fired power plants by another 130 MW from renewable sources…more.

Incoming cold front will start the heating season

14. 9.

Due to the weather forecast, which promises a gradual noticeable cooling down to below the average daily temperature of 10 °C in the next few days, heating plants are preparing to start heating according to local climatic conditions. Some places will start heating on Thursday, by Monday it will probably be heating everywhere...more.

The shutdown of the second Temelín unit is over

13. 9.

Today, the second Temelín unit started generating electricity. The operators connected it to the transmission system after replacing a quarter of the fuel files…more.

Temelín has taken fuel assemblies to the reactor of unit 2

30. 8.

Exactly 163 fuel assemblies were placed by the power engineers in the reactor of the shut down Unit 2. The manipulations took less than four days. The planned shutdown of Unit 2 is in its final third and the power engineers are currently preparing the reactor reassembly…more.

Ammonia leaked at the Poříčí power plant, fortunately only as a training exercise

12. 8.

Employees at the power plant in Trutnov Poříčí underwent regular emergency drills. This time, a practice ammonia leak. The opportunity to experience an emergency tested staff and rescue workers. And all of them passed with flying colours...more.

The Otrokovice heating plant completed the construction of the accumulator

3. 8.

Teplárna Otrokovice has completed a waste heat recovery project with accumulation in Zlín – Malenovice. Thanks to this, it will be possible to use the available waste heat, reduce heat losses in the distribution system and reduce CO2 emissions…more.

Representatives of companies appeal to the government for high price energy and gas

20. 7.

At yesterday’s long-delayed meeting of economic ministers and social partners, employers’ representatives stressed the need to secure gas supplies and to introduce measures to mitigate the impact of high electricity and gas prices under the Temporary Crisis Framework. It is a crucial solution for companies affected by the impact of high gas prices. No other measure that has been adopted or is being considered so far addresses the increase in gas prices for companies...more.

PRE signed a memorandum with Prague and ŠKODA AUTO that will significantly help the development of electromobility in the capital

18. 7.

Together with Prague and ŠKODA AUTO, Prague Energy is one of the signatories to a memorandum of cooperation on the construction of charging infrastructure in the capital city. In it, all parties committed to building 100 ultra-fast HPC charging stations…more.

13th ICOLIM Conference

10. 7.

Since 1992, the Live Working Association (LWA) has regularly organised conferences to promote and develop methods in the field of live work – the International Conference on Maintenance and Work on Live Electrical Equipment, under the name ICOLIM…more.

TZ TSČR – Inclusion of heating plants in the sectoral tax would jeopardize their modernization investments

7. 7.

At the political level, there is a discussion about the possible introduction of a special tax for energy companies, the so-called “energy tax”. sectoral taxes. However, the heating industry is going through a very difficult period when it has to cope with the impact of the current energy crisis and…more.

TZ ČEZ – ČEZ is the first Czech company to receive a certificate for its climate goals

27. 6.

CEZ Group’s plan to halve emissions from power generation by 2030 has been endorsed by the globally recognized expert initiative SBTi…more.

TZ SYSTERM, s.r.o. – 12. International Competition for the SYSTHERM Cup, 4. International competition for the SYSTHERM crystal ball

16. 6.

SOŠ a SOU Sušice together with its general partner SYSTHERM organized traditional competitions of professional skills, among others under the auspices of CSZE. The full TS can be found here.

ENERGY AROUND US – new publication of the CSZE

14. 6.

A publication with interactive elements in the form of QR codes, which will give the user a modern insight into the secrets of contemporary energy…more.

TZ ČEPS – CEPS is the first transmission system operator to join the PICASSO platform

3. 6.

The international platform PICASSO for cross-border exchange of control energy was launched on 1. June 2022. CEPS was the first company to join…more.

On the occasion of the Czech EU Presidency, the Confederation of Industry and Transport of the Czech Republic hosts a key meeting of the Confederation of European Enterprise BusinessEurope

31. 5.

In Prague it will welcome from 2. to 3. 6. to more than 100 presidents, CEOs and permanent delegates of 40 European industry associations from 35 European countries. They will discuss current topics and business priorities for the next six months. Full press release here.

Awards for the best students of electrical engineering schools CSZE for the school year 2021/2022

27. 5.

The traditional award of the best students of the electrical engineering schools of the CSZE took place on 26. May 2022 in the Great Hall of Mirrors of the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic…Read more.

Cooperation agreement

19. 5.

Richard Vidlička, Director of the CSZE, and Jan Grolich, Governor of the South Moravian Region, signed a cooperation agreement between the South Moravian Region and the SŠEE Sokolnice…more.

CSZE stand at the AMPER 2022 trade fair

17. 5.

We cordially invite you to visit the stand of the Czech Union of Employers in the energy sector, which can be found in Hall P, no. 3.31 at the Brno Exhibition Centre…more.

TZ ČEPS and ČEZ Distribuce – Cooperation in dealing with a crisis situation

11. 5.

The blackout was the subject of an exercise by ČEPS and ČEZ Distribuce. The organisations tested the availability, response and synergy of their dispatch centres…more.

TZ ČEZ – Energetici at Slapy settled a 60-ton turbine unit

9. 5.

Once the repairs are completed, the efficiency of this part of the plant will increase by about 4 percent, resulting in an increase in annual production of 10 million kWh…more.

TZ ČEZ – Dukovany II Power Plant prepares for a fully digital project

24. 4.

A new project management method is being used by experts in the construction of a new office building in Dukovany. It is based on the digitalisation of a number of project management activities…more.

CEPS – Ladder regulation changes the principle of transmission system management

1. 4.

CEPS has made a significant change in the management of secondary regulation to the so-called. a ranking procedure where the price of the regulatory energy of a given offer is the deciding factor…Read more.

Cooperation agreement

17. 3.

Richard Vidlička, Director of the CSZE, and the Governor Ivo Vondrák signed a cooperation agreement between the Moravian-Silesian Region and the Secondary School of Electrical Engineering, Ostrava…Read more.

Working meeting of ZZES and CSZE representatives

4. 3.

Within the framework of intensified cooperation with the Slovak Energy Employers’ Association, a joint meeting of the two associations’ representatives was held…more.

TZ ČEPS – European Network of Transmission System Operators intensively discussing emergency synchronisation of Ukraine and Moldova

3. 3.

ENTSO-E is in intensive negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova to identify the scope of necessary measures to help maintain reliable operation of electricity networks…Read more.

XXVII. International show of professional skills of students of electrical engineering schools

24. 2.

The traditional competition was held in Chomutov with the support of the Czech Union of Employers in the Energy Sector. For more information and to watch the video spot here.

Energy companies and bankers agree to cooperate

21. 2.

CSZE and the Czech Banking Association signed a memorandum of cooperation, which focuses primarily on sustainable development and its financing…more.

OMEXOM GA Energo a vConstruction of an alternative transmission line

10. 2.

The replacement transmission line of 3,150 metres was designed and built in 28 days by OMEXOM GA Energo employees…more.

ČEPS put into operation the V497 line damaged by the tornado

2. 2022

The transmission system operator has completed the repair and commissioning of the V497 line between the transformer stations Sokolnice in the South Moravian Region and Stupava in Slovakia…more.

Expert conference “Expected development of the energy sector in the Czech Republic and Central Europe”

31. 1.

The 17th edition of the conference will be held with the support of the Czech Energy Employers’ Association on 22. 3.
2022 v Brně…více.

ISSA – contribution to the OSH brochure

18. 1.

ISSA is currently preparing a brochure on “Near Miss”. The contribution to this brochure was prepared by the Occupational Health and Safety Working Group of the CSZE…more.

Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic – COVID-19 – current valid measures

17. 1.

Following the government resolution of Friday 14. 1. 2022, the SP CR has prepared an up-to-date view of the emergency measures issued. A commentary document on the measures in force can be found at here.

International show of professional skills of students of electrical engineering schools

15. 1.

On 21. – 23. February 2022, ESOZ and CSZE announce 27.
ročník Mezinárodní přehlídky odborných dovedností žáků elektrotechnických škol…více.

Unique CSRES prevention programme

7. 1.

ČSRES has prepared a preventive programme for children, the concept and programme of which has been thought out in detail and prepared in cooperation with experts and safety specialists in the field of energy…Read more.

International Robotics Competition – SOUE Plzeň

7. 1.

“ROBO-VOTE PLZEŇ 2022” is a robotic competition that will take place on 28. 2. – 3. 3. 2022 in Pilsen. The competition is announced by the Pilsen Region, in close cooperation with SOUE Pilsen…Read more.

Regulatory energy exchange in Europe will be managed by software from CEPS

14. 12.

CEPS has started the implementation of a central tool that will manage the cross-border capacity for the exchange of regulating energy of TSOs in Europe. Full Report here.

Thirty years of CSZE

10. 12.

The Czech Union of Employers in the Energy Sector has prepared a summary material presenting the activities of the CSZE in the field of energy, heating and vocational education…more.

Collective agreement of a higher level – Appendix No. 5

2. 12.

Representatives of employers and employees concluded the collective bargaining process by signing Amendment No. 5 to the Collective Agreement of a higher level…more.

The Confederation of Industry briefed the CNB Board on the impact of rising prices on companies

25. 11.

The October survey of the Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic among companies confirmed that the number one barrier for companies is the rising prices of a number of key inputs and their instability. Full press release here.

CSZE – publication of the project

24. 11.

The Czech Union of Employers in the Energy Sector has published a publication within the project “Strengthening and development of social dialogue at all levels of the energy sector”…more.

ISSA – publication on the occasion of the 50th ISSA. Anniversary of the Electricity Section

17. 11.

The document commemorates 50 years of history and outstanding achievements of the ISSA Electrical Section in the field of occupational safety and health…More.

62. International Engineering Fair and the participation of CSZE

12. 11.

The CSZE participated in the 62. International Engineering Fair in Brno. As part of the accompanying programme, he organised two expert conferences. For more information please see here.

Press Release – IFIEC

18. 10.

The International Federation of Industrial Energy Consumers has issued a press release on the current energy market situation. The original text can be found here.

Press release – ČSZE, KZPS, SVSE

14. 10.

Representatives of ČSZE, KZPS and SVSE agreed on mutual cooperation in the analysis of the exceptional situation on the energy market and on the creation of an expert team. Full press release here.

CEPS awarded medals for safety

13. 10.

The transmission system operator awarded representatives of the security forces with the “Medal for Safety of CEPS”…more.

Energy 2021

27. 9.

At the conference “Energy 2021” he was a moderator of the session entitled “What will be the changes in energy transmission and distribution?” Ing. Richard Vidlička, MBA, Director of CSZE…more.

E15 – Europe tackles green energy investment and price rises

22. 9.

Ing. Richard Vidlička, MBA, Director of CSZE participated in the debate within the International Energy Club in Ostrava. Read the full article…here.

Otrokovice heating plant started heating

20. 9.

Teplárna Otrokovice started supplying heat for heating households and companies. The heating started earlier than last year…Read more.

The Association of Large Energy Consumers is a new section of the CSZE

29. 8.

SVSE is from 1. 8. 2021 by a new section of the CSZE. The Section’s activities consist primarily of defending and promoting the interests of the consumer side in the purchase of energy…Read more.

ČSZE – Publisher of ENERGETIKA magazine

29. 8.

CSZE has become the publisher of ENERGETIKA magazine again, with the aim of creating a respected communication and knowledge platform for the Czech energy sector…Read more.

ČEPS – Line V052 at Temelín was put back into operation

23. 8.

CEPS has completed the repair and commissioning of the V052 line between Temelín Nuclear Power Plant and Kočín transformer station…more.

Updated Hygiene Manual of the SP CR

12. 7.

A clear summary of all applicable regulations and hygiene measures that you can incorporate into your internal regulations…More.

CEPS started construction of an alternative transmission line near Breclav

7. 7.

ČEPS, in cooperation with its suppliers, has started to urgently build an alternative transmission line V497 near Breclav…more.

Confederation of Industry and Transport of the Czech Republic called on the government to prepare the Czech Republic for life with covid and other pandemics

17. 6.

All constitutional officers, MPs and Senators, should put aside pre-election, election and post-election wrangling and prepare our country for the coming post-pandemic…Read more.

Confederation of Industry and Transport of the Czech Republic – Senate approves Kurzarbeit proposal

15. 6.

The Confederation of Industry welcomes the approval of the proposal for the so-called. cursorbeat. It passed the Senate in the wording approved by the Chamber of Deputies and the Confederation of Industry worked on it together with dozens of other experts…more.

Solar eclipse requires coordination across Europe

10. 6.

The partial solar eclipse that occurred in the Czech Republic on 10. 6.
2021 v rozmezí přibližně 11:40 – 13:40, způsobilo pokles výroby fotovoltaických elektráren…více.

The largest exercise to date by CEPS and NUCIB tested how power utilities would handle a cyberattack

10. 6.

To practice responding to a crisis situation caused by a cyber attack and to strengthen synergies in dealing with the impact of cyber threats…Read more.

CEPS – New aggregators joined the management of the electricity system

4. 6.

CEPS has concluded a contract for the provision of power balance services with two new integrated aggregators, innogy Energo and Nano Energies…Read more.

Awards for the best students of electrical engineering schools of the CSZE for the school year 2020/2021

27. 5.

The traditional award of the best students of the electrical engineering schools of the CSZE took place on 27. May 2021 in the Great Mirror Hall of the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic…Read more.

SPŠT – 43. annual competition of high school professional papers

17. 5.

At the Secondary School of Industry in Trebic, at the end of April 2021, the regional round 43. of the annual competition of high school professional papers…Read more.

Učitelské noviny – Energetika will re-certify its vocational schools

29. 4.

After all, it was during this period that the idea of uniform final examinations was born. An example of good practice has now been provided by energy schools…Read more.


27. 4.

The daily MF DNES, published by MAFRA, published a supplement Energie+, in which CSZE summarized its activities and described the current situation in the energy sector….Read more.

Tushimica battery passes testing

26. 3.

ČEZ and ČEPS tested the connection of a large-capacity battery system for providing power balance services within the BAART project…Read more.

Discussion forum “Home office in the context of social dialogue”

11. 3.

On 11. 3.
2021 uspořádal ČSZE on-line diskuzní fórum na aktuální téma „Home office v kontextu sociálního dialogu“…více.

Thirty years of the Czech Energy Employers’ Association, 1991 – 2021

3. 3.

The Czech Union of Employers in the Energy Sector was founded at the beginning of 1991, when the Czech and Slovak…Read more.

The Ministry of Health has issued the following as of 1. 3. 2021 extraordinary measures

3. 3.

To protect the population from further spread of COVID-19…Read more.

Statement on the conduct of initial, periodic and other occupational health examinations in relation to the Government’s crisis measures
No. 1049, č. 1291, č. 54 and no. 137 of 15. February 2021

18. 2. 2021

Government Resolution No. 125 was declared a state of emergency for the Czech Republic for the period from 15. February 2021 to 28. February 2021…Read more.

Methodological Instruction of the Chief Hygienist of the Czech Republic

18. 2.

This guideline is issued in connection with the unfavourable development of the epidemiological situation in the incidence of COVID-19…more.

CEPS launched a new Expression Portal

21. 1.

ČEPS, a.s., the transmission system operator, launched the Expression Portal application on its website at the beginning of 2021...more.

ISSA – Electricity Section – new video on occupational safety

21. 1.

ISSA has released a new safety workflow video called “Fantastic Five”…Read more.

CSZE membership base increased by eight new member entities

8. 1.

During 2020, the CSZE Board of Directors accepted, discussed and subsequently approved the entry of 8 new member entities… Read more.

Collective agreement of a higher level – Appendix No. 4

9. 12.

On 9. On December 2020, representatives of employers and trade unions concluded collective bargaining by signing Amendment No. 4 to the higher-level collective agreement concluded…Read more.

CSZE General Assembly

3. 12.

In the term 3. – 7. 12. 2020 the General Assembly of the CSZE was held. Due to government measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19, for the first time in history…Read more.

New CSZE website

2. 12.

The CSZE website got a “new coat” after years. Even in the coronavirus era we did not slack off and worked intensively…Read more.

St. Martin’s Day Challenge

13. 11.

CSZE supports the St. November 2020, which aims “to support the future of the Czech economy through real reform…Read more.

Changes in the energy sector will bring new opportunities for industry – interview with Richard Vidlička, Director of CSZE in the magazine Spektrum SP ČR

2. 11.

The energy sector has undergone a fundamental transformation in recent years. “Differences between different energy sectors or even industries are blurring,” says CSZE Director…Read more.