Thanks to very warm weather, district heating consumption fell again last year
6. 2. 2025
The 2024 heating period from January to May and September to December with an average temperature of 7.23 °C was again slightly warmer than 2023 with an average temperature of 6.78 °C. The heating season temperature in 2024 was almost 2 °C higher than the long-term average from 1991 to 2020, according to a survey of members of the Czech Heating Association...more
ČEZ Teplárenská now as part of ČEZ ESCO
30. 1. 2025
ČEZ Teplárenská became part of ČEZ ESCO on 2 January. This is one of the important steps in the transformation of the heating industry in the CEZ Group, which is taking place in connection with the end of the use of coal in the energy sector…more
Czech firm helps build €1.75bn energy infrastructure in the Netherlands
28. 1. 2025
The Dutch company TenneT wants to build 400 kilometres of new very high voltage (VHV) lines and upgrade 600 kilometres of lines over the next 10 years. The Czech company Omexom GA Energo will also participate in this large-scale project...more
The number of sources connected to the electricity grid increased by a quarter last year. Total installed capacity in the Czech Republic increased by the Temelín unit
24. 1. 2025
The decentralisation of the energy sector is in full swing, with significantly increasing demands on the use of networks. Roughly four times more sources are connected to the grid than three years ago. The installed capacity of photovoltaic power plants has approximately doubled since 2021 and the supply of surplus electricity to the grid has tripled in the last two years…more
SP CR on the Biden administration’s new regulation of AI chip exports
22. 1. 2025
The Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic is fundamentally opposed to the planned regulation of the export of chips for artificial intelligence systems proposed by the Biden administration. We consider this move to be a dangerous precedent that threatens international cooperation and innovation both in the Czech Republic and throughout the Central European region…more
Jiří Šimek becomes the new Vice-Chairman of COGEN Czech
13. 1. 2025
Jiří Šimek, CEO of innogy Energo, has become the new Vice-Chairman of the Combined Heat and Power Association COGEN Czech. He was elected to the post of Vice-Chairman on 11 December 2024 by the members of the association’s board...more
Temelín achieves highest ever production since the start of the hot pipeline
18. 12. 2024
The Temelín Nuclear Power Plant is supplying the most electricity to České Budějovice these days since the launch of the hot pipeline last year. This is helped by cold weather, previous modernisation and good operational settings. In addition, the higher production of nuclear power plants coincides with a period of higher consumption…more
Collective agreement of a higher level – Amendment No. 8
10. 12. 2024
On 5 December 2024, representatives of employers and employees concluded collective bargaining by signing Amendment No. 8 to the Collective Agreement of a higher level. Petr Jeník, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the ČSZE, signed the amendment as the employers’ representative, and the trade unions were represented by ...more
December issue of ENERGETIKA magazine
10. 12. 2024
The main topic is the gas industry. Aspects of the industry are discussed in an introductory interview with GasNet CFO Thomas Merker. The authors from MIT describe the changes in the natural gas sector and the (in)development of hydrogen in the Czech Republic and Europe. Biomethane is the subject of an interview with CZ Biom chairman Jan Habart and an article by Kristian Titka from the ERO. The magazine also introduces the only gas school in the Czech Republic, the Hradec Králové High School of Applied Cybernetics and the Orlen Unipetrol group’s project for renewable hydrogen production. The authors from EGÚ Brno and ČEPS map the changes in electricity flows in Europe…more
OMEXOM GA Energo rescued a mast from the Opava River
27. 11. 2024
Water showed its strength again during this year’s September floods, when it swept through the Moravian-Silesian and Olomouc regions. The damage did not escape the power lines either, which is why our company OMEXOM GA Energo called on ČEZ Distribuce to repair the damage after the flood near Krnov...more
ČEZ is thinking ahead of time about recycling photovoltaics. Dekonta’s new line can handle 2,000 tonnes of panels per year
18. 11. 2024
Along with the construction of new photovoltaic power plants, CEZ responsibly considers the entire life cycle of solar panels and ensures sufficient capacity for their ecological recycling…more
Distributors will ease conditions for installing a flow meter, starting electricity sharing will be greatly simplified
4. 11. 2024
So far, electricity sharing has often encountered practical obstacles related to the poor condition of meter cabinets. However, the distributors EG.D, ČEZ Distribuce and PRE Distribuce have now simplified the conditions for the installation of continuous meters, which are necessary for…more
Pražská energetika buys solar power plant supplier SolidSun
22. 10. 2024
PRE Group enters SolidSun. It has agreed with the existing owners to buy 100% of the equity. Both parties have already signed a share purchase and sale agreement. SolidSun Group is one of the domestic leaders in the supply and installation of photovoltaic power plants. With this move, PRE strengthens its position…more
Autumn issue of ENERGETIKA magazine
10. 10. 2024
Nuclear energy is the main topic of the autumn issue of ENERGETIKA magazine. This year’s fifth issue opens with an interview with ČEZ Board Member Tomáš Pleskač, who talks about the completion of large units and the development of SMR. The future coexistence of RES and nuclear is the subject of a study by Jan Toufar from EGÚ Brno, research in the field of new generation nuclear fuel materials is presented by the team of ÚJV Řež and CVŘ, Czech involvement in nuclear fusion research is mapped by the authors of the Institute of Plasma Physics of the CAS...more
Decarbonisation of heating plants in the Czech Republic, the coal age is slowly coming to an end
3. 10. 2024
In the last three years, ten heating plants, which supply heat and hot water to over 110,000 households and hundreds of other customers, have said goodbye to coal. In total, these plants will replace over half a million tonnes of coal with biomass, natural gas, waste heat and other energy sources to produce heat…more
Czech energy sector to offer investment opportunities worth up to CZK 3 trillion by 2030
20. 9. 2024
The Czech energy sector is on the threshold of major changes and the need for huge investments. They will be directed in particular towards new sources of electricity, increasing energy efficiency in the industrial and buildings sectors or strengthening and digitising transmission and distribution networks. In total, the modernisation of the domestic energy sector over the next five years would require a...more
BVV Trade Fairs Brno plans to reduce its carbon footprint and save energy. They will cooperate with ČEZ ESCO
25. 8. 2024
The trends of decarbonisation, reducing energy consumption and carbon footprint apply to all business sectors, including the trade fair business. The domestic leader in the modern energy sector is therefore joining forces with the largest trade fair organiser in Central Europe, BVV Trade Fairs Brno. In the future, ČEZ ESCO wants to help the Brno fairgrounds…more
From ENERGETIKA magazine: grid stalemate in the Netherlands
19. 8. 2024
The Dutch government has put forward ambitious plans to be climate neutral by 2050 and has joined multilateral efforts to achieve this goal. It has successfully promoted renewable energy production through the installation of solar photovoltaics at utility and household level…more
Construction of the LNG terminal has begun Community energy is entering the implementation phase, those interested in sharing can register with the EDC from today
16. 8. 2024
As the Electronic Data Centre (EDC) launches registrations for its provisional information system, energy communities and active customers can begin taking steps to start sharing electricity. In addition, all apartment buildings must also register with the EDC by the end of 2024…Read more
New issue of ENERGETIKA magazine
9. 8. 2024
The theme of the summer issue of ENERGETIKA magazine is SOURCES and BALANCE. “We are getting beyond the edge of energy security,” says Luboš Pavlas, President of Sev.en Česká energie, in the opening interview. The issue focuses on the issue of the ban on the use of SF6 gas for power transmission and distribution, describes grid congestion in the Netherlands and, among legislative topics, looks at new developments in generation connection and sharing. Another topic is water energy – the modernisation of hydroelectric power plants, water storage projects and the supply of heat and cold from hydroelectric sources...more
CSZE cooperates with another region, this time Zlín
31. 7. 2024
Mutual cooperation in supporting technical education is the subject of a memorandum signed in July by representatives of the Czech Energy Employers’ Association with the Zlín Region and the Secondary School – Technical Training Centre Kroměříž established by the latter. It is this school that is now…more
E.ON and MAN to jointly build a public charging station network for electric trucks in Europe
16. 7. 2024
E.ON and MAN Truck & Bus have jointly committed to take a major step forward in expanding the charging infrastructure for commercial vehicles in Europe. As part of the new collaboration, the energy company and the commercial vehicle manufacturer will set up around 170 sites across Europe with approximately 400 public EV charging stations…more
Construction of the Stade LNG terminal near Hamburg has begun
4. 7. 2024
The Czech Republic continues to strengthen its energy self-sufficiency, the basis of which is to reduce its energy dependence on Russia. Today, the construction of the world’s first shipbuilding facility was inaugurated near Hamburg at the mouth of the Elbe…Read more
Biomass will be burned instead of coal
26. 6. 2024
The Otrokovice heating plant continues in the second stage of the biomass boiler reconstruction. This is this year’s largest investment event. Last year, the K4 boiler was modified in such a way that it can burn up to 50 percent wood chips together with coal…Read more
The CSZE fully subscribes to the Antwerp Declaration
19. 6. 2024
The Czech Union of Employers in the Energy Sector announces that on the basis of the decision of its Board of Directors of 12. June 2024 fully subscribes to the Antwerp Declaration. The Antwerp Declaration contains 10 calls for a rational approach to the implementation of the measures based on the legislative act COM (2019) 640 of 11/12/2019…Read more
Heat engineering is the main topic of the third issue of ENERGETIKA magazine
10. 6. 2024
In the introductory interview, Miroslav Krpec, CEO of Energotrans, presents the extensive reconstruction of the power plant in Mělník. Another interview was given to ENERGETIKA magazine by Jakub Unucka, deputy governor of the Moravian-Silesian Region, and it focuses on the energy transformation of the Moravian-Silesian Region. The magazine summarizes the conclusions of the update of the assessment of decarbonization of the heating sector, the study of the potential of large heat pumps, the possibilities of SMR involvement in CZT and the project of heat recovery from the Ostrava heaps. Other articles deal with the role of the ERO in the transformation of the energy sector or the possibilities of providing power balance services by households…more
Projects to develop flexibility in Europe
5. 6. 2024
As a company involved in the transformation of the energy sector, E-REDES aims to promote an increasingly technology-driven, more efficient and sustainable method of distribution
of electricity by formalizing cooperation between actors in favor of sustainable development…Read more
Notification of support for high-efficiency CHP is a significant boost for the modernisation of the heating sector
28. 5. 2024
After two and a half years of negotiations, the European Commission has issued a positive notification decision on the operating support for combined heat and power (CHP). This is particularly important for the start of the construction of high-efficiency gas-fired cogeneration…Read more
Czech Energy Employers Association awarded the best students and teachers member schools for the 2023/2024 school year
23. 5. 2024
The best pupils of certified member schools of the CSZE, focused on energy and electrical engineering, received today in the Great Hall of Mirrors of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Czech Republic the award for successful representation of the school, which is awarded annually on the basis of nomination according to internal criteria…Read more
Severní energetická of the Sev.en Czech Energy Group suspends mining at the CSA quarry
13. 5. 2024
A decision on the final closure will be made in the coming months. The gradual curtailment of operations and the subsequent temporary interruption of mining operations is also linked to the mass redundancies of employees of Severna Energia and Sev.en Inntech…Read more
ČEZ will invest over 400 million CZK in Dlouhé strání this year. CZK
16. 4. 2024
CEZ will spend over CZK 400 million on investments and repairs of the Dlouhé stráně pumped storage plant this year, almost four times more than last year. Even slightly higher investments are planned for next year. This is related to the gradual renewal of important parts of the turbomachinery, which are slowly reaching the end of their service life after almost 30 years of operation…Read more
Second issue of ENERGETIKA magazine in 2024
9. 4. 2024
The themes of the second issue of ENERGETIKA in 2024 are research, innovation and education. It opens with a great interview with CEZ CEO Daniel Beneš about the prospects of the Czech energy sector and CEZ’s plans. In the area of innovation, he introduces the EG.D connectivity map, successful projects from the Innovation Fund, the largest battery storage in the Czech Republic and the construction of the first shielded masts. Authors from the Czech Technical University, the Řež Research Centre write about research projects, the Chairman of the ERO Council and the Ministry of the Environment comment on legislation. The magazine also covers the submitted strategic energy documents...Read more
Five crystal chimneys are ready for the heating projects of the year
27. 3. 2024
For the twenty-second time, they will be attending a social evening at the Heating and Energy Days 23. April in Olomouc to hand over the crystal chimneys for the heating projects of 2023. This year, three projects were shortlisted for nomination in each of the five categories. Nominated projects…Read more
Temelín and Dukovany Nuclear Power Plants to Visit Czech Schools from April, CEZ Launches Special Educational Program
18. 3. 2024
Students will be able to see the most interesting places of the Czech nuclear power plants Temelín and Dukovany directly in their classrooms. From April, CEZ Group launches an interesting educational program for primary and secondary schools. The interactive project “Meeting with Energy” will bring operators of the Temelín and Dukovany nuclear power plants into the classroom…Read more
Closing ceremony of the EU project OneNet
11. 3. 2024
On Tuesday 5. The final “final event” of the EU OneNet project took place in Brussels in March. This was a three-year project under the H2020 programme, the ambition of which was to gain practical experience in implementing the Clean Energy for All Europeans package…Read more
ČEZ Distribuce built a backup line to Lysá hora
7. 3. 2024
The Queen of Beskydy no longer has to worry about electricity supply. ČEZ Distribuce has completed the replacement of the non-functioning cable from Krásná to the top of Lysá hora, which will secure the existing supply through the Ostravice line. Meteorological station, TV transmitter, mountain service station, Bezručova chata…more
Sev.en to build two large photovoltaic plants in Most region this year
29. 2. 2024
Sev.en Česká energie wants to build and connect the first two large photovoltaic power plants to the grid by the end of this year. The projects are the 14.5 megawatt Komořany PV plant and the 12.3 megawatt Ervěnice PV plant in the Most region. Next year will see the construction of the much larger 49 megawatt Saxonia PV plant…Read more
Last year’s gas consumption was the lowest since 1992
26. 2. 2024
Total annual natural gas consumption fell again last year, by more than a tenth year-on-year. After two austerity years of continuous decline, the Czech Republic consumed the least amount of gas last year in more than thirty years. At a time in the early 1990s, with which last year’s consumption may be…Read more
EG.D invests in the future
16. 2. 2024
The world of energy is facing new challenges such as the massive connection of renewables and community energy. That is why our colleagues from EG.D are planning to invest in the development of…Read more
CSZE’s statement on the update of key documents of the Czech Energy Sector
5. 2. 2024
The Czech Energy Employers’ Association participated, among other things, in consultations on the update of the State Energy Concept in order to meet the goals of a safe and economically sustainable energy transition…more
PRE connected a record number of photovoltaic plants to its grid last year. Three and a half times more year-on-year
2. 2. 2024
PREdistribuce, a PRE Group company, connected a total of 3,298 solar power plants to its distribution network last year. This represented an increase of 265% compared to the previous year, 2022, when the distribution network added…Read more
District heating consumption fell year-on-year last year due to very warm weather
26. 1. 2024
The 2023 heating season was the third warmest since 2010, with an average temperature of 6.94 °C from January to May and 6.94 °C from September to December. The heating season temperature in 2023 was 1 degree higher than the long-term average from 2010 to 2022. According to preliminary data, heat supply fell by 6% year-on-year, similar to the fall in the number of…Read more
Hospital Na Homolce launches one of the largest energy saving projects in the Czech Republic
22. 1. 2024
Prague’s Na Homolka Hospital is undergoing one of the most comprehensive energy-saving projects in the Czech Republic, which includes, for example, extensive modernization of heating, air conditioning and lighting. The hospital decided to address the necessary replacement of outdated equipment and the overall modernization of the energy management in the form of EPC…Read more
Transition to the new data format of electricity metering data transmission in the optimised CDSDATA format in CS OTE with effect from 1. 2. 2024
11. 1. 2024
The market operator once again notifies market participants of a significant change in the transmission of electricity metering data, which will take effect from 1. 2. 2024 in the CS OTE information system. The change is that, with effect from 1. 2. 2024 will be in the production environment of CS OTE for transmission of production/consumption data
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Year 2023 in the E.ON Drive network. Electric cars recharged 2,000 MWh and the number of chargers increased significantly
5. 1. 2024
Almost 2,000 MWh of energy consumption at more than 520 charging points was recorded by the E.ON Drive public charging network in the Czech Republic last year. This means that drivers will use 65% more energy than in 2022 and the number of public charging points…Read more