The Czech Union of Employers in the Energy Industry is a voluntary, independent, and non-profit organization bringing together employers in the field of production and distribution of electricity and heat and related fields, as well as other legal entities doing business in the energy industry, and vocational schools focused on the energy industry. ČSZE is an association within the meaning of relevant legal regulations. The Union conducts its operations within the Czech Republic and collaborates with similar organizations internationally.
The main objective of the Union’s activity is to contribute to the good name of the Czech energy industry, to protect it, as well as to protect the interests and good name of the Union and its members, to represent, promote and defend the common business and employer interests of its members in dialogue with the Parliament of the Czech Republic, the government of the Czech Republic, political parties and movements and other national and international institutions.
The Union represents its members in collective bargaining and concludes collective agreements of a higher level on their behalf with the relevant trade unions ECHO and ČOSE.
The Union is a collective member of the Union of Industry and Transport of the Czech Republic, a member of the international electricity union EURELECTRIC, based in Brussels, a member of the International Social Security Organisation ISSA, based in Cologne and a member of the international technical section for work under voltage LWA.