The project “Implementation of the energy transition in the Czech Republic cannot disrupt social peace”
OS ECHO together with its partner ČSZE are implementing the project “Implementation of the energy transition in the Czech Republic cannot disrupt social peace”.
Project no.: CZ.03.01.03/00/22_001/0001046
The project is financed by the European Social Fund through the Operational Program Employment Plus and the state budget of the Czech Republic.
Project annotation:
Both social partners want to make use of their long-term experience within the framework of this project, gained in the framework of social partnership, conducted both within the Czech Republic and at the international level, at the same time they want to use this project to strengthen and develop social dialogue at all levels. The project should ensure the continuity of social harmony in energy companies, regardless of the political leadership of the state.
Project schedule:
Start date of project implementation: June 1 2023 6.
Project completion date: May 31 2026 5.
What is the goal of the project?
The aim is in particular to support the adaptation of employers and employees to technological changes and related requirements for their qualification requirements, strengthening cooperation between employers and employees with an emphasis on work safety, the importance of the work and environment, the balance between work and personal life, the influence of working conditions and impacts physical stress on the health and safety of employees concerning individual age categories.
Description of the target group:
The target group is managers, employee representatives and employees in energy sector enterprises concluding collective agreements. This is a group of companies covered by a higher-level collective agreement between OS ECHO and ČSZE, as well as companies where the collective agreement is negotiated only at the company level. An important group of the ČSZE will be workers whose work classification and tasks are closely related to the content of key activities and who participate in collective bargaining. Based on the acquired experience, they will be able to subsequently pass on knowledge to lower levels of the corporate hierarchy.
The following key activities are addressed within the project:
- Support for the adaptation of employers and employees to technological changes and related qualification requirements
- Development and strengthening of cooperation between employers and employees with an emphasis on qualification requirements in terms of health and safety
- Legislative measures for greater flexibility of different types of forms of work in the energy sector
- Development of sectoral social dialogue in the energy sector to extend the binding nature of the higher-level collective agreement to other employers
- Increasing knowledge in areas with a direct impact on social dialogue and collective bargaining at the company level
- Implementation of new modern systems of management, organization and provision of regional consultancy and higher awareness in the field of social dialogue
- Support for adaptation to the transition to a low-carbon economy and other impacts related to increased environmental protection (Green Deal for Europe)
Actions carried out as part of the project in 2023 – 2024:
Seminar “Risks of substance use in the workplace from an OSH perspective”
– 24. 9.
2024, Centrum Babylon, Liberec
Conference “Delivering the Green Deal and its future direction”
17. 9.
2024, Hotel Holiday Inn, Praha
Workshop “Theory of Law for Professionals in Risk Prevention”
– 5. 6. 2024, Areál Monínec, Monínec
Roundtable “Issues of human resources development and the impact of changes in the energy sector on employment at regional and national level“
19. 4. 2024, Smart Innovation center SKELET, Moravská Ostrava
Discussion forum “Impact of tax proceedings on taxpayers and possible defence against the tax administrator’s procedure”
5. 3. 2024, Hotel Botanique, Prague
Workshop “Issues of collective bargaining across the energy sector”
13. 11. 2023, CSZE, Brumlovka, Beta building, Vyskočilova 1481/4, 140 00 Prague 4
The discussion forum “Current changes and new interpretations in the field of income tax 2023”
7. 11. 2023, Hotel Botanique Prague, Prague
Conference “Green Deal and the impact on employees in the energy sector”
24. 10. 2023, CSZE, Prague 4
Workshop “New technologies and prevention of risks when working at heights”
– 26. 9. 2023, Areál Botanika, Horní Bezděkov
Workshop “Modernization of distribution networks and improvement of technical parameters for work under voltage”
12. 9. 2023, Wine Wellness Hotel Amande, Hustopeče
Workshop “Modern technologies and other trends in the world of occupational safety – examples of good practice”
– 6. 6. 2023, Interhotel TATRA, Kopřivnice
Photos from the events: