Published: 11. 1. 2024

The market operator once again notifies market participants of a significant change in the transmission of electricity metering data, which will take effect from 1. 2. 2024 in the CS OTE information system.

The change is that, with effect from 1. 2. 2024, a new optimized CDSDATA format will be accepted in the production environment of CS OTE for transmission of data on electricity production/consumption at consumption points with continuous type A and type B metering. This change will be effective from 1. 2. 2024 also apply to the transmission of data for the previous period, i.e. for the period until January 2024. In the current CDSDATA format, the receipt of electricity metering data (even for historical data) from 1. 2. 2024 possible.

This change regarding the electricity market will be implemented in the CS OTE on 31. 1. 2024 in the evening – the exact time will be announced in advance via the CS OTE portal noticeboard. The market operator reserves the right to change the deployment date.

Further information on this change was provided on 21. 11. 2023 at an informative webinar. Presentations from this webinar and information on this change are available on the OTE website: in the section “Background documents related to the transition to the 15-minute billing period”.

The market operator also reminds all market participants that since 1.12.2023 is enabled in the market operator’s Sandbox test environment to test the transmission of electricity net metering data in the optimised CDSDATA format, and strongly recommends that all market participants test the transmission, receipt or processing of electricity net metering data in the new CDSDATA format in the Sandbox test environment prior to the change 1. 2. 2024 to test, including in relation to its internal processes.

The optimised format of the CDSDATA report will allow future transmission of continuous electricity measurement data in 15/60 min periods, where 1. 2. 2024-30. 6. 2024, this format will be used for transmission of continuous electricity metering data only at hourly (60min) granularity.

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