Published: 23. 5. 2024

The best pupils of certified member schools of the CSZE, focused on energy and electrical engineering, received today in the Great Hall of Mirrors of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Czech Republic the award for successful representation of the school, which is awarded annually on the basis of nomination according to internal criteria.

The principals of the member schools attended the ceremony together with the awarded pupils. The awards were presented by the Director of the CSZE Richard Vidlička, the Chief Director of the Education and Youth Section of the Ministry of Education Jan Mareš, and the State Secretary Ondřej Andrys. The ceremony was also attended by the Ministerial Councillor Petr Husník and on behalf of major employers in the energy sector from ČEZ. a. s. Martin Klacián and E.ON Česká republika, s.r.o. David Skopal.

New this year, teaching staff from our member schools were recognized for their contributions to energy education. The prize was received from the hands of the Director of the Union Richard Vidlička and the Ministerial Council Petr Husník by Oldřich Životský from the Secondary School of Electrical Engineering and Energy in Sokolnice and Bohumír Sobotka from the Secondary Vocational School of Electrical Engineering in Pilsen.

The meeting of school representatives at the Ministry of Education and Science continued with a joint meeting with members of the Vocational Education Working Group on the current issue of energy education. Part of the programme for pupils was the opportunity to visit the Štefánik Observatory.