Project Social dialogue in the energy sector

The project was successfully implemented between 4. April 1, 2016 and March 31, 2020. 3. 2020

OS ECHO together with its partner ČSZE implemented the project “Social Dialogue in the Energy Sector”.

Project no.: CZ.03.1.52/0.0/0.0/15_002/0001867.

The project was financed by the European Social Fund through the Employment Operational Program and the state budget of the Czech Republic.

What is social dialogue?

According to the International Labour Organization, social dialogue includes all types of negotiation, consultation or simply exchange of information between representatives of government, employers and employees on matters of common interest concerning economic and social policy.

Social dialogue is an important tool for the development of industrial relations, not only in the Czech Republic but also within the European Union and other most developed countries. Social dialogue helps align the interests of employers and employees to develop business and ensure social harmony.

Finding a common consensus between the legitimate interests of employers and employees within the current development of economic policy is a prerequisite for ensuring a sustainable business environment and social peace.

Brief description of the project:

Social dialogue has an irreplaceable role in finding mutually acceptable solutions to topics such as raising awareness of social dialogue and conducting collective bargaining at all levels, effective information transfer, ensuring adaptability of employees, and flexibility of working relationships. With the help of this project, social partners, employers and trade unions want to raise awareness of the energy sector and strengthen and develop social dialogue at all levels.

Target group of the ČSZE partner:

The target group of the ČSZE project partner was managers, employee representatives and employees in energy sector enterprises concluding collective agreements. It was a group of companies covered by a higher-level collective agreement between OS ECHO and ČSZE, as well as companies where the collective agreement is negotiated only at the company level.

The following key activities were addressed within the project:

  1. Sharing of good practice in social dialogue for representatives of employees and employers
  2. Generational change concerning the conduct of social dialogue – energy industry through the eyes of young people
  3. Transfer of experience from abroad as part of social dialogue in the energy sector
  4. Sectoral social dialogue in the light of its participants
  5. Project management – methodical and administrative project management