Published: 16. 2. 2024

The world of energy is facing new challenges such as the massive connection of renewables and community energy. That is why our colleagues from EG.D plan to invest CZK 8.15 billion in development and modernisation in 2024. The total investment will exceed 10 billion.

This enables EG.D to handle many major development projects such as the reconstruction of existing and construction of new very high voltage substations and the cabling of high and low voltage in the regions. Along with this, the company will launch further innovations and deploy smart solutions and new technological elements in the network. Key substations will be reconstructed and a number of new repairs will begin. And it won’t just stop at the electricity distribution network. The gas distribution network will also be significantly expanded and repaired.

Thanks to these investments, EG.D of the E.ON Group will ensure even more reliable and secure energy supplies for its 1.5 million electricity customers, mainly in the southern regions of Bohemia and Moravia, and 110,000 gas customers in South Bohemia and Vysočina.
