Published: 5. 2. 2024

The Czech Energy Employers’ Association participated, among other things, in consultations on the update of the State Energy Concept in order to meet the goals of a safe and economically sustainable energy transition. This concept is based primarily on the National Energy and Climate Plan, which sets national targets for reducing emissions, increasing energy efficiency and developing renewable energy sources.

We take note of the European Commission’s requirement to complete the NKEP of the Czech Republic by the middle of this year, as well as the EC’s recommendation to use the potential of modern energy while maintaining energy security. In our opinion, this fact creates room for supplementing the State Energy Concept with additional inputs and analyses of possible economic impacts in its implementation.

As a major representative of the energy sector, CSZE is aware that the energy transition and its future concept goes beyond the energy sector and will affect the macroeconomic conditions in our country.

For this reason, we join the published opinion of the Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic, which expresses the position of all industrial sectors.

In accordance with this opinion, we request that the selected/proposed solutions in the updated State Energy Concept be professionally analysed, including their variants, and the results of these analyses be added to the ASEK, especially their risks and impacts on all market participants.