Guarantor: Martina Jaroušková
Chairman: JUDr. Michal Jedlička
Working group activity:
In addition to charges for air pollution, ČSZE energy and heating entities are subject to demands for compensation for damage caused to agricultural and forestry production.
Energy, heating, and other companies emitting combustion products have implemented significant technical measures to reduce emissions impacting the environment, valued at approximately 60 billion crowns, based on air protection laws. However, the significant reduction in emissions of air-polluting substances from the facilities of energy and heating entities is not reflected in the current practice of compensating for damages to forest production.
The working group was established in 1996, and its goal is to fulfil the requirement of ČSZE member entities to coordinate the activities and interests of its members in the preparation of technical
and legislative measures to objectively determine potential damages from industrial activity and the share of energy and heating companies in them.
The working group brings together a number of experts on the mentioned issue, representing a wide range of professional activities – lawyers, ecologists, operational economists
and senior managers, representatives of the entire spectrum of air polluters from the power industry, heating industry, mines, smelters, transport, construction industry, glass industry, textile industry, chemical industry, etc.
The working group meets according to current needs in response to the development of litigation issues and issues of environmental policy in the energy and heating industry.